Benefits of Outdoor Learning

Forest Kindergarten experiences on site with a stream and woodland nearby where children learn about real wildlife and nature.

We will use outdoor areas to learn about seasons, weather, science, responsibility, social skills, teamwork, leadership skills, imagination, open-ended play, physical skills, measuring, challenge, personal values, enjoyment, exploring, confidence, language development, maths and numeracy, healthy eating, …… name a few!! Bet you can think of lots more!

Getting our children active outdoors early in life makes them more likely to adopt an active lifestyle later in life.

Fresh air, natural light and open spaces blow away cobwebs and stimulate the brain.

Natural environments can help to increase concentration levels and relieve stress and anxiety.

Outdoor play can make children happier and can create a better mental state for learning.

Regular activity outdoors helps children to sleep well at night, grow up healthy and strong, manage their behaviour, express themselves creatively and have lots of FUN!